One more thing:
I can't seem to find the place to set the AccessKeys for
AgentTicketResponsibleView and AgentTicketLockedView - yet for some
reason they have 'r' and 'k' selected for both options they expose and
thus don't work...
Anyone know where I should go for this and whether I somehow need to
add a NavBar element or something?
It's the four icons shown in this picture...
>>> "Martin Møller" <> 23. november 2013 19:52 >>>
Hello again!
OTRS 3.3 is now runnning production here and I like what I see and have
mostly got it custom fitted to our needs, but there are a few things I
have trouble getting to work:
1) I would like to have an AccessKey for the fulltext search, or even
just the search profile popup. It looks like Hotkey+s is already defined
in the Ticket submenu, but it doesn't seem to do anything. It also
happens to be defined in the FAQ submenu, so possibly they confuse one
(UPDATE: Indeed that was the case, after changing the keys for the FAQ
module, Hotkey+s now works for the ticket search! Yippie!
It needed to be changed in FAQ > Frontend::Agent::ModuleRegistration)
There seems to be a lot of access keys that are waaay overloaded and
thus mostly don't work. The Customer 'Tab' has the access key 'c' bound
to every entry and also doesn't work for me in that configuration.
Those can be redefined here:
Framework -> Frontend::Admin::ModuleRegistration
and here:
Framework -> Frontend::Agent::ModuleRegistration
There are similar issues with the two Responsible icons and the two
AgentTicketLockedView icons. The first two both have 'r' selected, the
other two both have 'k' selected.
Both the phone and the mail icon by default have 'l' (lower L) chosen
and thus also don't do anything. But Hotkey+m works for creating a new
ticket, as defined in the Ticket menu.
Okay, so I managed to talk myself through that part.
Incidentally, I have assigned mostly numbers to the duplicates. I might
considder setting some of them blank for our purposes...
Some of this may only show up for me because my user has administrative
rights, but I do think a look at the default access keys for the
official addon modules would be good so that the default keys, to the
greatest extent possible, doesn't override each other. If they can
dynamically overload in an open submenu, then that is great, but that
doesn't seem to be the case right now...
I would still like to know if you can bind an access key to the
fulltext search-field.
I suppose it would be a javascript trigger..?
I also seemingly had to change my CustomerCompanyKey from the VAT
number of the company to the companies name in order for the searches
under Customers (Kunder) to yield results or indeed for the filter in
the Dashboard to return anything after selecting a value. Not quite sure
why that is, but hey, now it works - I just see the company name
I guess that leaves (for the moment) just this question:
Can I add custom fields to the dashboard and to the ticketzoom view?
On the dashboard, I would like to be able to show the date of the
ticket creation in stead of Age, at least optionally - similar the the
Changed field.
I tried putting Created in by hand in SysConfig, but that didn't seem
to work...
Ticket -> Frontend::Agent::Dashboard
That used to work in 2.4 in the .dtl-files, but I guess the rules are a
bit different now.
In the TicketZoom view, I would like to show a column of how much time
was spent on a given reply. Right now, all I can see without turning to
SQL queries is the total amount of time used, but not how it is spread
across the replies.
I know the field is there in time_accounting, but I can't quite figure
out how to get it shown in the Zoom view...
I realize this might require .dtl-editing at this stage, but what would
the field be called in a way that I can access?
Apart from those little nitpicks, OTRS 3.3 is AWESOME!
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Martin Møller
Konsulent / Consultant
Mobil +45 61 61 69 56
IT Quality A/S
+45 70 222 444 
Nyhedsbrev - Tilmeld

<<attachment: 2013-11-24 01_47_49-Ticket -_ Frontend__Agent__Ticket__ViewLocked - SysConfig - Admin - IT Quality A.png>>

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