
I've been just "lurking" here since 3.0 came out, becauseI never could upgrade, 
for various reasons. But, late to the party, I've just done the upgrade from 
to 3.0.22. All went without incident, data is all fine, etc.

However, any page which includes an HTML TextArea (which I assume 
CKEditor converts to a javascript object...) issues the following js popup 

*   CKEDITOR.instances[EditorID] is "undefined"

The window is then unresponsive to "Submit" clicks. This makes the system 
completely unusable, as I can't close, create or notate tickets :-(

I don't want to forge ahead with the 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 upgrades until 3.0 is 
as expected. Surprisingly, I can't find anything useful googling the above 
message, either either with or without an OTRS keyword included.

Any help obviously greatly appreciated !!!


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