
On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 4:17 AM, Mike Morris <> wrote:

>  Hi,
>  I've been just "lurking" here since 3.0 came out, becauseI never could
> upgrade, for various reasons. But, late to the party, I've just done the
> upgrade from 2.4.6 to 3.0.22. All went without incident, data is all fine,
> etc.
>  However, any page which includes an HTML TextArea (which I assume
> CKEditor converts to a javascript object...) issues the following js popup
> error:
>    - CKEDITOR.instances[EditorID] is "undefined"
>  The window is then unresponsive to "Submit" clicks. This makes the
> system completely unusable, as I can't close, create or notate tickets :-(
>  I don't want to forge ahead with the 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 upgrades until 3.0
> is working as expected. Surprisingly, I can't find anything useful googling
> the above error message, either either with or without an OTRS keyword
> included.
>  Any help obviously greatly appreciated !!!
>  SIncerely,
>  Mike
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