Hello fellow Outdoor Clubians!! I'm taking advantage of the e-mail list to invite you all to a bagpipe concert/party thing called a ceilidh! The band I'm in (The Edmonton Girls' Pipe Band) does this every year and it's pretty fun. We march and play for a bit, and we've also hired another band this year to spice things up. We also have a silent auction and provide food and cheap drinks. What more could you want?!
Anyways, mark your calendars...it's on Saturday, May 13th, with the doors open at 7, and this all takes place at the Shriner's Hall (14510-142 street). Tickets are $20 if you ask for them within the next week or so, and then they go up to $25. They are not being sold at the door, so please let me know if you are interested in going; e-mail works fine, or you can call me at
468-4788. And of course feel free to invite whoever; the more the merrier, and it's all ages. Hope to see some of you out there! Cheers.
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