Hey Outdoorsians,

I know there's a few of you that are sick of the city and have been 
wanting to get out backpacking - so now's your chance!

Who:  The person looking over your shoulder.
What:  A weekend of backpacking.  Creeks, passes, lakes, canyons and 
ink pots, oh my!
Where:  Mystic Pass in Banff National Park, starting and ending at the 
Mt. Norquay ski area.
When:  The evening of Friday August 18th to the afternoon of the 20th.
How:  Mostly on your feet, a little bit in a car (yours or a carpool 
buddy's), with a slight chance of sliding on your arse-end.

If you're interested or just want more information, fire me off an 
email.   I'd prefer to write a bunch of individual detailed messages 
than one.  Yep, I'm all about efficiency.

-Adam Bryson

Outdoors mailing list

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