On Sat, Apr 27, 2019 at 5:51 AM Justin Pettit <jpet...@ovn.org> wrote:

> > On Apr 26, 2019, at 2:50 PM, Mark Michelson <mmich...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 4/26/19 3:42 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> >
> >> We need to pick a date (or a trigger) for freezing the OVN parts of OVS.
> >> I don't know what that date should be.  Thoughts?
> >
> > I'm of the opinion that it should be ASAP. With the new repo created,
> it's best for developers to start using the new repo for their day-to-day
> development. Adding more commits to the OVS repo at this point will
> potentially result in lost work if a maintainer neglects to get it moved
> over.
> I think we should continue to do development in the OVS repo until we're
> certain that the approach being taken is the right one and that we've got
> all the pieces in place to fully do OVN development on its own (e.g.,
> separate mailing list, CI/CD infrastructure, etc).  Once we have all those
> pieces in place, then we should delete the "ovn" branch from the OVS repo.
> Having the place where it has traditionally lived continue on in a zombie
> state will be confusing, and possibly problematic if we decide the path
> we're currently going down is wrong for some reason.  Those concerns
> combined with your imminent paternity lean me towards waiting.
> Let's see how things go for the next couple months, and then revisit if
> it's time to stop development in the "ovn" branch.  If it goes as I expect,
> I'll enthusiastically support that change.

Till we have every thing in place and remove "ovn" folder from the ovs
repo, the ovn-org/ovn repo would be out of sync w.r.t to OVN related
So is it fine if we apply the OVN related patches to the new repo once the
patch is merged in ovs repo ? If in case we agree to apply these patches,
will there be any mismatch in
the history ? (like commit id being different).
Or lets sync the ovn-org/ovn repo when we decide to make it official.

Any thoughts ?


> Thanks,
> --Justin
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