Eelco Chaudron, Sep 12, 2023 at 09:17:
> I feel like if we do need another way of getting (real time)
> statistics out of OVS, we should use the same communication channel as
> the other ovs-xxx utilities are using. But rather than returning
> text-based responses, we might be able to make it JSON (which is
> already used by the dbase). I know that Adrian is already
> investigating machine-readable output for some existing utilities,
> maybe it can be extended for the (pmd) statistics use case.
> Using something like the DPDK telemetry socket, might not work for
> other use cases where DPDK is not in play.

Maybe the telemetry socket code could be reused even when DPDK is not in
play. It already has all the APIs to return structured data and
serialize it to JSON. It would be nice not to have to reinvent the

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