Hi, all

I'm trying use localnet to connect logical network and physical network. It
all goes fine and the network connection is ok. But I notice that the up
value of localnet lsp is always false, like below:

_uuid               : 003a62d8-34ae-4b0d-9426-6c544b544224
addresses           : [unknown]
dhcpv4_options      : []
dhcpv6_options      : []
dynamic_addresses   : []
enabled             : []
external_ids        : {}
ha_chassis_group    : []
name                : localnet.ovn-default
options             : {network_name=provider}
parent_name         : []
port_security       : []
tag                 : 1198
tag_request         : []
type                : localnet
up                  : false

If the localnet ports have been installed into chassis, should up value be
changed to true?

Previously I made a pr to reduce logical flows in sb by ignore lsp that is
not up.
If the localnet port up value is always false, I should repair the pr.

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