Hi Folks,

Apologies if this is a dumb question I'm not too familiar with the
what goes on between ovn-controller and the kernel OVS flows.

So ovn-controller is control plane, the OVS flows it get pushed
down to the kernel (the data plane). So I expected that if ovn-controller
is stopped on a hypervisor that the dataplane flows would persist in
the kernel.

But what I see is if I have a VM on hypervisor A and a gateway on
hypervisor B. If I stop  ovn-controller on hypervisor A then I can
no longer access the VM via the gateway.  There is no Geneve
traffic sent to hypervisor A.

I guess as expected CENTRAL has taken hypervisor A out of the
Southbound DB, regenerated flows and updated hypervisor B.
I thought that the OVS flows might persist in the kernel in
hypervisor A and CENTRAL would use the last known location of the
VM and not regenerate flows and still tunnel from the gateway on B
to A. But I guess not, but it does seem odd that the control plane
going down breaks the data plane.


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