yes, I use a powered hub from the list of complient powered hubs. The 
layout on the raspi circuit board for power supply of the usb is not 
that good. So you loose quite some voltage on the printed circuits.

Hence the recommendation to use a powered usb hub.

It is possible and safe to use the same power supply you power the raspi 
with, to power the usb-hub externally. Use only a powered hub from the 
recommended and tested list for raspi. As to directly power the devices 
themselves, I have no experience with, but there is a link in my 
previous post to the guys over at raspi central (around where I shorted 
my USB fuses on the raspi with a soldering iron) where they talk about 
exactly and why not to do it and how to do it, if one still wants or has 
to do it :o)

I did post my hardware in previous emails - so you probably found them 

The trick with disabling the eth0 was/is, that usb and ethernet is 
integrated in one and the same chip on the raspi, and the driver for it 
was/is faulty and caused hard hangs on the raspi. Thats why the 
cecommendation was/is to disable ethernet and use a usb wifi stick - 
again from the recommended list - in the externally powered hub.

It's actually quite simple ;-)

On 02/16/2013 02:51 PM, Attila wrote:
> Oops, forgot to tell - I found your earlier comments, and seems you are
> using a powered USB hub.
> Does anyone know, if it is safe to power USB devices directly from the
> same power supply I use to power the RasPi?
> Eth0 - why you had to disable? I found a problem, when eth0 disconnect
> (cable disconnect for example) stopped USB working, but after I disabled
> the daemon (I cant recall its name, its reposnsible to alter networking
> based on connect-disconnect events), it was resolved.
> So now I have problem only on reboots.

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