On 02/11/2014 01:03 PM, Colin Reese wrote:

> These look great. How are multiple Moteinos resolved? How are remote IO
> addressed on the ATMega? Is there a developed python/RPi functional
> library?

I honestly don't know. I think that there would be some amount of code 
that needs to be written on the RPi side. You'd have to have a gateway 
(USB to RFM12B) connected to the RPi and then run some code to talk to 
the wireless sensor. Basically, I think you'd have to come up with your 
own protocol for remote I/O.

You can ask for suggestions and ideas on the lowpowerlab.com forums; 
Felix (the developer behind the Moteino) is very knowledgeable and might 
be able to provide some guidance. Also, there are a few projects he's 
done that are mentioned on his blog. Some of these might provide an idea 
of how to approach the problem.


Eloy Paris.-

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