
> > 
> This means you have to access I²C directly by using --i2c=... and
> unload/blacklist the ds2482 kernel module?
I have this line in my owfs.conf (owserver and owfs are running as services 
thru init.d)
server: device = /dev/i2c-1

i2c module is properly loaded, here is the ouput of lsmod:
Module                  Size  Used by
nfsd                  276601  2 
fuse                   92185  3 
i2c_dev                 6709  2 
snd_bcm2835            21149  0 
snd_pcm                90778  1 snd_bcm2835
snd_seq                61097  0 
snd_seq_device          7209  1 snd_seq
snd_timer              23007  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
snd                    66325  5 
i2c_bcm2708             6200  0
cdc_acm                18406  2
uio_pdrv_genirq         3666  0
uio                     9897  1 uio_pdrv_genirq

I have these 2 lines in my /boot/config.txt

> Why? Because for Linux-3.16rc1 and later, you need owfs-3.1p1 at least.

Ok I'll update to owfs-3.1p1. But first let's try to see what happen with 
this script running. Also it's a pity because owfs 2.8p15 is the standard in 
the Raspbian repo, so if it doesn't match the kernel it should be updated. I 
believe it the same in Debian main line because Raspbian is basically just a 
Debian re-compilation for ARM. So a few years ago I was happy to see that 
standard Raspbian + standard owfs from Raspian repo are working "out of the 
box". I even posted here about that.

Up to now my script has caught (almost) nothing. But I'm patient it will 
eventually see it. Actually the script has triggered 3 times yesterday but 
unfortunately the log doesn't show anything. Why? Because the script is 
reading /mnt/1wire/uncached and if there are less (or more) than 7 devices it 
reads again /mnt/1wire/uncached and log the result. Unfortunately the log is 
showing 7 devices. So what has happened is: first reading there is no 7 
devices (most probably 1 has disappeared) but second reading there are 7 
devices. And this second reading is logged. So log isn't meaningful.
So I have modified my script to have only one reading, put it in a temporary 
file, check it and if no 7 devices log it. Also I check first /mnt/1wire and 
trigger the log depending of this directory, then I log also 
/mnt/1wire/uncached, the output of "owdir", and the output of "owdir 
uncached". I do it this way because on my system I almost never used the 
uncached directory. I know the difference but I'm ok this way, I let owserver 
update the cache. And each time a device disappear I check in the uncached 
directory: it's also disappeared. So this new script is running let's see 
what will come from it. It may take days but I'm confident it will see 
Here is the useless log (1 out of 3 caught)

Mon May 23 23:04:38 CEST 2016
======== ls /mnt/1wire/uncached ==========
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 May 23 23:04 /mnt/1wire/uncached/10.9702E6010800
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 May 23 23:04 /mnt/1wire/uncached/10.B6FAE5010800
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 May 23 23:04 /mnt/1wire/uncached/26.FFD8F1000000
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 May 23 23:04 /mnt/1wire/uncached/28.4E3066020000
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 May 23 23:04 /mnt/1wire/uncached/29.1C9E09000000
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 May 23 23:04 /mnt/1wire/uncached/3A.546302000000
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 May 23 23:04 /mnt/1wire/uncached/3A.B36002000000
=========== owdir /uncahed ===============

And here is the new script:

# 23 Mai 2016 -- Script to check if any device disappear from 1wire bus

while :
  sleep 5  # check every 5 seconds
  ls -ld /mnt/1wire/??.* > /tmp/FileTmp1
  ls -ld /mnt/1wire/uncached/??.* > /tmp/FileTmp2
  owdir | grep 00 > /tmp/FileTmp3
  owdir /uncached | grep 00 > /tmp/FileTmp4
  HOW_MANY=`cat /tmp/FileTmp1 | wc -l` # On my system this must return 7 when 
no problem
  # echo $HOW_MANY
  if [ $HOW_MANY -eq 7 ]; then
    :  # do nothing
  else    # log the output of above commands (filter for devices directory 
    echo "================START=====================" >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    date >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    echo "=========== ls /mnt/1wire/ ===============" >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    cat /tmp/FileTmp1 >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    echo "======== ls /mnt/1wire/uncached ==========" >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    cat /tmp/FileTmp2 >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    echo "=============== owdir ====================" >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    cat /tmp/FileTmp3 >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    echo "=========== owdir /uncahed ===============" >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    cat /tmp/FileTmp4 >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire
    echo "=================END======================" >> /tmp/LogCheck1wire

Best regards



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