Am 26.06.2016 um 10:11 schrieb samuix:
> Hi,
> in the user guide of the bus coupler is mentioned:
> "Hinweis: Es ist die Funktion "Strong Pullup" zu aktivieren." , i.e. the 
> strong 
> pullup function should be activated.
> How can we activate that function ?
The DS2480B (the chip inside a DS9097U) controls the strong pullup
automatically. If I read the sources correctly, owfs sets up the strong
pullup duration to "infinite" in the DS2480B configuration sequence, so
it should be activated.

But maybe it isn't?

> How can we perform your mentioned check?
Don't connect your setup to a PC. Power your host adaptor, put a
multimeter to the bus, and check whether it is still at +5V after a
minute or so. If not, connect a 1,5k resistor from the onewire bus line
to +5V.

Kind regards


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