Am 21.06.2016 um 08:04 schrieb Johan Ström:
> On 20/06/16 16:12, Jan Kandziora wrote:
>> Am 20.06.2016 um 07:39 schrieb Dr. Trigon:
>>> Hello
>>> I bought an eservice LCD [1] but it does not work. Can somebody give me 
>>> some advice what to do?
>>> [1]
>>> Dr. Trigon
>> According to
>> ...
>> We could add support but I've got no time for it. Johan? Anyone else?
> Seems pretty straight forward. Unfortunately I'm pretty swamped at the 
> moment too. Especially to do testing etc without access to a device.
Johan, lean back if you are still swamped. I prepared a test board and
work on a patch.

Kind regards


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