Am 30.11.2016 um 11:18 schrieb Robin Gilks:
> I've been using DS2438 battery monitor devices for a number of years and
> they have a family code of 0x26 NOT 0xA6.
They can have both. See page 12 of the Book of iButton standards (sheet
19 of

Bit 7 is a "customer coded" flag. That means an 0xA6 DS2438 is a DS2438
with a serial number from a secondary pool.

These devices seem to appear from time to time. We could easily add
support for them.

> I'm pretty sure that there are no genuine Dallas/Maxim devices with
> a family code where the MSB is set.
For example 0x81 is a DS2401 built into the DS9490 USB host adapter.
There are some more but yes, the most of the upper half of family codes
is unused.

Kind regards


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