Hello Jan,

thanks for the swift and in-depth reply to my problem:

On 12/04/2016 07:31 PM, Jan Kandziora wrote:
Am 04.12.2016 um 12:07 schrieb Martin Patzak (GMX):
I am experiencing delays and also time-outs when reading temperatures of
very very close to and equal to 85 degrees Celsius.

This is a complicated situation as 85°C is the default power-up value
the sensor uses. When you have power failures during the conversion, you
cannot tell it apart from a valid 85°C reading.

Oh, I see
My application is a heating system, where a wood burning oven heats up
two 800l buffer containers of water to a max temperature of 95 degree

Every 30s simultaneous is written, followed by a two second wait, before
starting reading back the temperatures sequentially.

Please update to owfs-3.1p4. It has a new "latesttemp" node, which is
meant for exactly this setup. Trigger simulatenous/temperature, wait a
second in your user program, then read all the temperature values
sampled from the "latesttemp" node.
Thanks for pointing out, that there are changes in the latest version, that a relevant to the problem. So, I did update, and gave it a try with simple testprogramm accessing the latesttemp node. For testing I read only two sensors. First the one that is close to 85 deg C and another one just for seeing the next read done.

The new node works fine too, but unfortunately I get an error, when a sensor is right at 85 deg C:

/Traceback (most recent call last)://
//  File "read_a_temp.py", line 15, in <module>//
//    sensed = op.read('/28.676A20060000/latesttemp')//
//  File "/home/mnm/pyownet/src/pyownet/protocol.py", line 545, in read//
//    raise OwnetError(-ret, self.errmess[-ret], path)//
//pyownet.protocol.OwnetError: [Errno 22] legacy - Invalid transaction: '/28.676A20060000/latesttemp'

/here is the python test-code:

/import time//
//from pyownet import protocol//
//op = protocol.proxy("razmaban",port=4304)//
//op.write('/simultaneous/temperature', '1')//
//time.sleep(1)   # give the sensors time to convert their temps//
//print 'reading now...'//
//sensed = op.read('/28.676A20060000/latesttemp')//
//print sensed//
//sensed = op.read('/28.DD5915020000/latesttemp')//
//print sensed//

First time I have seen this error message, what does it mean?

I am aware that the 18S20 did report an error with 85 deg C, but the
18B20 should not do this.

Is there something in owfs that would re-read in case a value of exactly
85 deg C would be returned by a sensor?

Yes, there is a try-again-mechanism when you read the "temperature" and
"temperatureXX" nodes. Update and use "latesttemp" instead.

Please see the updated manpages, too.
I did install owfs-doc 3.1p4, but I searched for 'latesttemp' and for 'simultaneous', but I couldn't find anything.
Where do I find the updated information?

Cheers Martin

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