On 12/05/2016 05:42 PM, Stefano Miccoli wrote:

On 05 Dec 2016, at 09:35, Martin Patzak (GMX) <martin.pat...@gmx.de <mailto:martin.pat...@gmx.de>> wrote:

The new node works fine too, but unfortunately I get an error, when a sensor is right at 85 deg C:

/Traceback (most recent call last)://
//  File "read_a_temp.py", line 15, in <module>//
//    sensed = op.read('/28.676A20060000/latesttemp')//
// File "/home/mnm/pyownet/src/pyownet/protocol.py", line 545, in read//
//    raise OwnetError(-ret, self.errmess[-ret], path)//
//pyownet.protocol.OwnetError: [Errno 22] legacy - Invalid transaction: '/28.676A20060000/latesttemp'

hold on, my test was done in a rush, so I forgot to stop the task reading the temps from the temperature node.
Could that have anything to do with error message?

As long as you have a single owserver process running, there can be any number of concurrent clients, or even concurrent access via the same pyownet.protocol.proxy object from different threads… I do not think this is the problem.
yes, I can confirm, I do use concurrent clients and never had problems.
I was more-so thinking, that owserver might take a sensor 'offline' or something like that, when a value of exactly 85 deg C is read. When I then at that time try to read that sensor it might come to this strange error???

BTW, pyownet.protocol.OwnetError simply reports the owserver error number (in this case 22) along with the error description available from /settings/return_codes/text.ALL (in this case "legacy - Invalid transaction”) and the path that caused the error.
I do get sometimes
[Errno 1] Startup - command line parameters invalid: '28.CF7915020000/temperature'

/but this is rare, so I thought I better not mention it right now - but hey, now I did ;-)

Me too, I’ve never experienced a 22 error: we need the help of a owfs wizard.
Yes, let's see what our 'Wizard of OWFS' (aka Jan) has to say to this.

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