Am 05.09.2018 um 10:08 schrieb Matthias Urlichs via Owfs-developers:
>> The DS2409 is already transparently supported by owlib.
> Is it?
> Last time I checked, slaves behind a DS2409 or two do not show up
> in "owdir /" or "owdir /bus.0" or "owdir /alarm", they do not
> notice when I set /simultaneous/temperature, …
> So either I'm missing something, or your definition of
> "transparent" differs from mine. :-/
What you mean is *flattened*. Transparent means you don't have to care
for the details of controlling the DS2409's switches on the way by
hand if you want to access a certain device. Owlib does that for you.
Also, it uses the special branch prefix command to access/enumerate
only devices on a branch instead of the whole bus. This can speed up
things a lot, e.g. if you have passive iButton locks marked with a
single DS2409.

I personally don't care if a library creates symbolic links in the
main directory. That's one single run through the structure at the

> For one, support for (bus-specific) handling of /alarm or
> /simultaneous.

> The idea is that different 1wire buses may have different
> requirements (timing, polling, alarm handling, how often to trigger
> temperature conversion, bus re-enumeration, …); it's the client
> system's job to coordinate the device instances' requirements to do
> the least-possible amount of work, and only on the bus(es) it cares
> about.
Yes, exactly. But that's what a clever designed library can assist the
application programmer. By requiring him to think about the logical
abstraction of a whole device first, not just a Onewire slave.

I understand that's not a simple thing to do for a library aiming at
different targets on both sides, but putting in another abstraction
layer which then fails to abstract things proved pointless to me.
That's why I did this abstraction in my application program, which
knows about the devices it controls.

Kind regards


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