And further to Eliot's point, I have an off-the-shelf solution for back-of-the-book-indexes for XSL-FO 1.0 here:

I hope this is helpful.

. . . . . . . Ken

At 2018-05-21 10:21 -0500, Eliot Kimber wrote:
FOP does not implement FO index processing, so it is incapable of removing duplicated page numbers on its own.

Antenna House and XEP RenderX can both render indexes.

If FOP is a requirement it can be done by implementing a two-pass process using the FOP area tree—basically post-process the rendered index to generate a literal markup representation of the correct page number references then rerender the XML to produce the final PDF.


Eliot Kimber

From: oXygen-user <> on behalf of Bernhard Kleine <>
Date: Monday, May 21, 2018 at 10:01 AM
To: <>
Subject: [oXygen-user] repeated indexentries with the same text from the same page

During the indexing process I noticed that an repeated indexentry is not automatically removed. An example:

I agree that the example is not very intelligent. I substituted the entity

<!ENTITY T3 "T&#8323; ">


<!ENTITY T3 "T&#8323; <indexterm>&primTthree;</indexterm>">
<!ENTITY primTthree "<primary>TH (Schilddrüsenhormon)</primary><secondary sortas='Tdrei'>T₃, (Trijodothyronin)</secondary>" >

and the page 521 is about thyroid hormones, but it shows that FOP does not check for doubled page numbers of the same entry.

Kind regards


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