Folks, I wrote a ComVisible library for our VB6 client to consume. I thought
it might be a good idea to write a .vbs script to test drive it. To register
the assembly I do this:


regasm bin\Debug\FooApp.ComClient.dll /codebase /nologo /verbose


In the .vbs script I create the COM Server class and can call some simple
methods on it okay so I know it's loaded and ready. When I call more complex
methods and it attempts to reference dependent assemblies I get "Unable to
find assembly" failures.


Fuslogvw shows that it's stupidly probing into the windows folders for the
assemblies. You see, I thought that putting /codebase on the regasm told the
loader where to find all of the libraries required by my COM server. Even
running the script from the bin\Debug folder doesn't change anything. What's
the correct way to getting the script to find my library dependencies? I
don't want to use config files and assembly resolve events.




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