Hi Greg,
I could be wrong but I don't think you needed the Enterprise version to get
subscriptions. Standard edition is enough and is significantly cheaper.


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:

>  Folks, our customer needs a facility to generate reports via calendar
> schedules and then distribute them to lists of email recipients.  For
> example, on the first of each month, monthly summary reports with filtering
> arguments for different customers and departments would be generated and
> each would be emailed to one or more related people. They currently do this
> by hand and it's a growing burden on the staff.
> One of us discovered that SQL Server with Reporting 
> Services<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms159106.aspx>(SSRS) seems 
> to do everything we need, so we upgraded to SQL Server Express
> with Advanced Tools (and reporting) and ran some experiments to make RDL
> server-side reports and use the web interface to publish and generate them.
> This all works, and we got excited, but then discovered that subscription
> reports <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms155911(v=sql.90).aspx>are 
> not a part of SQL Express editions, so we don't get the facility to
> schedule and distribute reports unless our customer upgrades to the SQL
> Server Enterprise edition which is about $27000 per processor.
> So we have to tell the customer to buy SQL Server Enterprise and we learn
> how to use SSRS, or we find some other way of creating the
> subscription/schedule facility. Our current preference is for the latter if
> there is a way of programmatically generating the RDL reports stored on the
> server. If we can generate the reports, then we're quite happy to wrap it in
> a scheduler (NCron, Quartz .NET, etc) and it's easy to send email
> attachments. That way, SQL Server holds all the report definitions and data,
> and our code schedules and distributes the reports.
> Does anyone know if there is an API or service into SSRS to allow us to
> generate the RDL reports?
> Any other general comments on this matter would be welcome.
> Cheers,
> Greg

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