
Just been through a bit of pain trying to install the Azure tools for VS2010
on a Windows 7 box. Posting what I found here in case anyone else needs to
do this.

The web platform installer kept failing on my machine when I tried using it
(as is the recommended way) to install this update. It wanted multiple
reboots, kept rolling itself back, and would not tell me why it was failing.
The log files it generates are full of opaque, impenetrable and
ultimately meaningless gibberish and there is no event log or other entry
anywhere that I could find to explain what was going wrong. Microsoft
support were utterly useless - the "support" person could not get a grip on
what I was talking about, asking me irrelevant questions like "what time did
this happen" and "what percentage of your application is down".

This has wasted several hours of time this afternoon. I'm bloody
annoyed with MS at the moment - surely they can make this experience a lot
easier, particularly with a new product that they are trying to get the
community to accept. Getting up and running on the competing platforms is
simple and quick.

Anyway, after a bit of hunting I found this link :
which explains things much better. You need to ensure that your machine is
configured in control panel to "enable" .net framework 3.5 sp1. To do this
go into "turn windows features on or off" and you'll see "Microsoft .net
framework 3.5.1 about halfway down the list of options). You also need to
have the IIS Management Console installed.

Stupid thing is that I had all this stuff turned on before I tried
installing the Azure Tools with the Web Platform installer, yet when I
checked in Control Panel later it was all turned off. The installer must
have switched all this stuff off for some reason and then not turned them
back on again afterwards.

The link above gives you version 1.3 of the Azure tools, or so it says when
you look at Help-About in Visual Studio. Trying to install the latest (1.4)
over the top of it does not work, as it says 1.4 is already installed, so
I'm still not sure what version I am running.

I hope this helps someone who has yet to go through this process .I'll post
more over the coming days as I start using these tools.



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