I use Ctrl-Alt-Butterfly to do that


<http://xkcd.com/378/>Also, this is the price we pay for using designers.
They create code that is useful for the tool, not the developer.

Back in the old-school days of Java at uni we have a widget-factory that
would create our controls for us. You could ask it for a button and who
really knows what class it gives you as long as it inherits from ButtonBase.
That way you could make a change to the widget factory and change the
controls being used everywhere.

Having said that, the designer lets you create a screen in 10 minutes that
might have taken a few hours in the java days so the trade-off works both

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Noon Silk <noonsli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > By an easier approach I assume you mean a time machine to go back and a
> crystal ball to ensure that the
> > people that developed the system you are now working on do everything
> perfectly and with perfect anticipation
> > of future changes to requirements...
> Indeed; in Visual Studio just press F15, it activates this feature.
> --
> Noon Silk
> http://dnoondt.wordpress.com/  (Noon Silk) | http://www.mirios.com.au:8081>
> Fancy a quantum lunch?
> http://www.mirios.com.au:8081/index.php?title=Quantum_Lunch
> "Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy - the joy
> of being this signature."

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