VDPROJ has been dead for a few releases now. For proof, TFS doesn't even
work with it at all (so you can't use it on build servers).

I've had to use WiX for the last few years, to ensure that build servers at
client sites could dump out .msi files at the end.


Sorry for the late reply. I've been learning WiX over the last week and it's
a mix of good and bad experiences which I'll summarise later in a post to
help others who might be going down the same path. Briefly, the WiX
integration into Visual Studio is a wonderful act of kindness, the sheer
number of xml elements is overwhelming at first and it's hard to find what
you need in the jumble, thank heavens they provide clear HOW TOs and samples
in the help file.


I just found this:


I wish I'd have seen that ages ago. I also wish I'd known about TFS, as that
would be a good early indication of nails on the coffin of vdproj files.




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