I think the raw nerve that is struck with a lot of people (perhaps Greg,
perhaps not) is that there is an underlaying fear of manipulation, or
domination. These advertisers are hooking into your psyche, manipulating
you, often without you realising it.
Psychology is an amazing thing because we behave in certain ways and when
someone uses that knowledge to make you do something for their possible
gain you feel violated. Natural feeling, but we are intelligent people. We
know they are doing it. There are things you can do to avoid it. One of the
driving forces of humans is survival. We are here because it works. It's
not evil. It just works. Making money is the new age form of survival. It's
not evil. It works.
Back in the caveman days these money making skills would have not worked,
they would have been meaningless.
I'd be interested in understanding more about why Greg (or others) dislike
advertising so much. For me, its the time used looking at it. I tried
watching a movie on free to air last year (it was back to the future). The
movie is 116 minutes long. With the advertising I think the movie was more
than 2 hours. I didn't even make it to the end of the movie as each ad
break was about 10 minutes long... We have less patience these days as
everything is on demand. So if the ad does not take my time, I do not care.
If its targetted, then I prefer it. (I do buy stuff so want to know about
new things).
I look at the ad, decide if its something i'm interested in and if not I
move on. These youtube ads that make you wait to watch the video clip annoy
me as I can not choose when to move on if I have decided I'm not

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 8:25 AM, David Connors <da...@connors.com> wrote:

> On 2 December 2013 10:16, Stephen Price <step...@perthprojects.com> wrote:
>> There are other words you could use to describe someone who wants
>> everything for free and won't pay (or expect others to pay) for what they
>> use.
>> Not wanting this to degenerate into name calling, and everyone are
>> different. Its not wrong to want a good deal, and everyone loves freebies
>> just the same as its not wrong to run a successful business. How is running
>> a business writing software that you charge people directly to use any
>> different to writing a free app, that hooks into banner ads any different?
> +1 I don't mind Google's ads at all plus they are useful. Given the choice
> between targetted ads and non-targetted ads, I'll take the former every
> time thanks.
> I cannot stand ads on TV (and don't watch free-to-air as a result) because
> they are irrelevant and just indiscriminately push shit-for-bogans stuff.
>  Same as all those "One weird trick to X" ads that are not targetted (read
> this -
> http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2013/07/how_one_weird_trick_conquered_the_internet_what_happens_when_you_click_on.single.html
>  -
> bloody interesting).
> David.

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