Hi Dave,

How big is your team?

One of the things we’ve seen work well is to have a regular “internal user 
group” every fortnight, put 2 hours aside over lunch or towards the end of the 
day, bring in pizza, and have someone from your team do a general technical 
presentation (45-60 min). Then have someone present a technical overview of 
their project (or part thereof).

For example:





Welcome, Q&A

Group Leader


Technical Presentation
(e.g. “Using Windows Communication Foundation to Interface with SAP”)

Developer/Architect from within organisation





Project Presentation
(e.g. “Project Blackcombe: Challenges, Solutions and Status”)

Project Blackcombe lead developer




Over 6 meetings you could do something like this:

Technology Session

Internal Session

Month 1

Customising Office with Add-ins

Exposing our CRM information inside the firewall

Month 2

jQuery integration in VS2015

How we updated our external site to use Bootstrap

Month 3

Branching and Merging – a primer

Project “Discovery”’s use of TFS for source control

Month 4

Mobile Client Development Smackdown – Native vs Xamarin vs Cordova vs HTML5

Deploying our new ERP solution

Month 5

Using geographic data in SQL2014

Geolocating our customers

Month 6

Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming

Adding unit tests to the project “Conquistador” code base

Make a bit of a big deal about the group. Encourage people to present (give 
them a speaker shirt or something). Get evals at the end of each session. Give 
the top speaker for the year a trip to Ignite, or something. Note that 
technical presentations don’t have to be original – there are heaps of 
repositories of up-to-date technical presentations complete with presenter 
notes, demo scripts and so on.

Giving a developer a presentation to deliver means that they’ll go away and 
play with the tech so they can at least run the demos. It gives them a bunch of 
soft skills as well, and it makes them the internal “expert” in that thing. 
People will ask them questions about it and that will kick off the cycle of 
discovery for them. They’ll tend to look up the answer to those questions if 
they don’t already know.

Note that you’ll need an exec sponsor for this – taking the team off the tools 
for a couple of hours (or 3) a month is a commitment they’ll need to support.

This works even better if it’s not just your team – cross-pollination and 
emergence of technical centres of excellence within the organisation are very 
desirable things.

Happy to chat more either here or offline if you like.



Andrew Coates, ME, MCPD, MCSD MCTS, Developer Evangelist, Microsoft, 1 Epping 
Ph: +61 (2) 9870 2719 • Mob +61 (416) 134 993 • Fax: +61 (2) 9870 2400 • 

From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] On 
Behalf Of Dave Walker
Sent: Tuesday, 9 February 2016 1:01 PM
To: ozDotNet <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
Subject: [OT] Internal Developer Training

Hi all,

I've recently taken over a new team which has a wide variety of technical skill 
from complete beginner to senior developer. Talking to the team I've found that 
especially their C# skillsets are limited and can be greatly improved. So far 
we've organised for everyone to have a pluralsight account and encouragement is 
given to spend work time watching videos however it feels a little bit 
disconnected. I'd really like to have a more formal ongoing set of training but 
as it stands I have no experience implementing this.

There is limited budget so can't just send everyone off on a training course 
and not really looking for an overnight fix but more of a program that improves 
different skills over time to a certain level.

My thoughts for now were to mix between:
* Book club - everyone reads a chapter of 'Clean code' and we gather weekly to 
discuss it
* Pluralsight club - same but with a pluralsight video
* One on one peer programming where the more senior members help the less 
* Demo sessions/lectures by more experienced developers from outside the team

Has anyone else ever tried to take on something like this? If so how did you go 
about it and what advice can you give about this?


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