My recommendation is to not use web forms. I don't care what anyone thinks,
just don't use it. Your life will be easier.

Mvc or webapi with some js framework like Aurelia.

On Tue, 17 Apr 2018 at 12:45, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

> Folks, I'm creating a non-trivial ASP.NET Web Forms application for the
> first time in several years. I have previously suffered from the terrible
> problem where I spend more time on formatting and stying than I do on
> coding. Sometimes it can take 1 hour to get a single web page working, then
> it takes 4 hours to make it look nice. I thought I'd try Bootstrap this
> time to ease the burden of styling, but now I'm wasting more time learning
> all the conventions and quirks of Bootstrap. This is typical, I find if you
> decide to use some "kit" then you usually have to become an expert in that
> kit.
> The answer to this problem is to split the development into (1) coding (2)
> styling. I have done this twice before, over 10 years ago ... I write a
> completely working web site with only the bare minimum formatting and
> styles, then later someone comes along and styles it beautifully.
> Is anyone still doing this sort of thing? What do others do to style their
> sites with minimum suffering?
> Finally ... Is there anyone in this group who is a styling boffin and
> might take a short contract in several weeks time to style my app once it's
> near completion? I guess it might be several hours work spread out over a
> few days. If you can help, please email me off-list at,
> or phone on 0419-113-543.
> Cheers,
> *Greg Keogh*

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