> it's worth noting that NewtonSoft Json.NET will NOT be installed by
default as of .Net Core 3.0:

I was preparing an invoice to send to James Newton-King to charge him for
the countless hair-tearing hours of my life wasted trying to get rid of
version conflict errors in my builds. So many wildly different versions of
the library have become glued to so many components and libraries that he's
effectively created a gigantic maths puzzle. And why does he keep updating
the major and minor version numbers when (as far as I can tell) the
commonly used part of the API doesn't change? I've seen other complaints
that he's not following a sensible versioning strategy.

I was also pleased to read several weeks ago in the Core release blogs that
Microsoft will provide a leaner faster Json processing library, and
hopefully they won't keep churning out new versions like confetti. Good
riddance to Newtonsoft and yet another external dependency.

*Greg K*


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