Folks, I now know that the instructions on this page Adding unmanaged DLL
(or any) file to project’s NuGET package output
are basically correct.

You pack a '.targets' file and the native DLL into the build\ package
folder. At install time you can see the Framework csproj file is modified
to include your targets. In a Core project you can't see any file changes
and magic plumbing takes place. The 'targets' file element silently copies
the native DLL from the build\ folder to the binary output folder. So you
can package and silently deliver arbitrary runtime files for both Framework
and Core consumers. I'm very angry that this process is not clearly
explained anywhere in official documentation or the hundreds of rambling
and contradictory web articles on the subject.

Placing the native file in special package folders like content\ and
contentFiles\ seems to do nothing. There are lots of confusing arguments
about this in countless web articles. I can't believe these folders are
ignored and I'm still researching the matter.

It turns out that I was tricked for weeks by package *caching *which
negated my experimental changes. I wondered why package changes would
randomly work or be mostly ineffective on different days. I found ~10GB of
40,000 files cached under C:\Windows\<user>\.nuget which included my
troublesome package. If I delete my package from the cache before each
change, then I get consistent results and I found the answer. I actually
had a correct package many times, but caching hid that and tricked me.
Ironically, incrementing the version for each test would have skipped this
problem, but I didn't bother.


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