Hi all, don't know who has read Mary Daly's book, but thought you may be
interested in this message.  Her book was one of the mind altering ones for

On another tack..... How are the senate submissions coming along?  I'm
struggling but it's happening!  The more I get into it, the more excited I
am getting.  for those of you who work remote and rural, write your comments
to the committee, they need these anecdotal stories from those who are
there!  Doesn't matter how small or how big the comments letters,
submissions are..they just need to know what is the truth and what is
happening across Australia.

love, in action


-----Original Message-----
From: Lin MacQueen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, 3 August 1999 2:03 PM
Subject: FW: [WOMEN30S] de-tenuring of Mary Daly (fwd)

>Though this might be of interest
>Lin MacQueen
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>To anyone interested in feminism, women's studies, and/or academic freedom:
>Mary Daly, pioneering feminist theorist and theologian and author of the
>groundbreaking book _Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism_, has,
>in effect, been "de-tenured" at Boston College.  According to an editorial
>in the most recent issue of The Nation ( Laura Flanders, "Feminist
>De-tenured," July 26/August 6, 1999 issue, pp. 5-6), Daly has been teaching
>a course at BC, Introduction to Feminist Ethics, for the past 25 years to
>women only, in order to promote a safe space to discuss such issues as
>violence against women.  A male student who wished to register for the
>course and who ignored Daly's offer to teach him outside the women's class
>(something she has done for the past dozen years) threatened, with the
>backing of the Center for Individual Rights, an organization that led
>attacks on affirmative action at the universities of Texas and Michigan, to
>sue BC under Title IX antidiscrimination provisions.
>The intimidation worked and BC canceled Daly's courses for the upcoming
>academic year.  BC claims that Daly resigned voluntarily, a claim she
>denies, and is no longer a faculty member.  They have also denied her
>to the university's grievance procedure.  Daly is fighting Boston College's
>actions and has filed complaints of breach-of-contract and violation of
>tenure rights.
>Daly is a scholar who put feminist theology and feminist ethics on the
>academic and political map and deserves the support of all who care about
>women's studies in the academy, about academic freedom, and about
>the real purposes of Title IX.
>The Mary Daly Defense Fund can be reached at:
>P.O. Box 381176
>Cambridge, MA 02238-1176
>Letters to Boston College in defense of Mary Daly can be sent to:
>Pres. William P. Leahy, SJ
>Boston College
>Botolph House
>Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3934
>If you do write a letter, please forward a copy to the Defense Fund as
>Please pass this message on to others.
>Jane Rothstein,
>Ph.D. Candidate
>Department of History and
>Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies
>New York University
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