Tina, you are SPOT ON.  I don't think you have lost the plot - you are very 
I agree that the action of Guild and other insurers in refusing to insure 
midwives is an insult to the whole midwifery profession, as well as 
slanderous to the reputations of the midwives concerned.  ACMI should put 
aside less important issues and act to protect midwifery in Australia.
Joy Johnston

-----Original Message-----
Sent:   Sunday, July 08, 2001 10:26 PM
Subject:        Re: Homebirths in Peril and Midwifery Insurance

In a message dated 7/07/01 12:30:35 PM AUS Eastern Standard Time,

<< The article was titled "Home births in peril as midwives lose insurance
 cover". It keeps sending out that same message about fear, danger and
 litigation around birth.

 What do homebirth midwives intend to do??

 Sue Cookson
 Homebirth Australia

Hi all ozmider's.

This situation distresses me greatly. As I see it, the problem is the huge
lack of recognition and respect for midwifery as an autonomous profession,
which I believe has far reaching implications for ALL women and midwives -
not just MIPP and the homebirth community. The homebirth movement here is
still considered a radical, questioning and an independent movement outside 
of medical control and its always been a thorn in the obstetric side and
subject to a great deal of attention, scrutiny and anticompetitive 

Historically we know that many of the improvements in maternity care have
been born from the homebirth movement. So for all other midwives to then 
their heads in the sand on this issue and to shrug it off as something that 
only affects homebirth midwives and their clients is a HUGE mistake.
Homebirth needs to exist for the benefit of ALL, not just the few that 
it, because out of this movement we have another model by which to compare
the obstetric model, and measures by which to demand greater accountability 
from medical men and their machines and evidence for continued improvements 
for mainstream maternity care. Once you recognise this it becomes apparent
that the withdrawal of professional indemnity insurance from MIPP is just 
tip of the iceberg and actually represents the largest assault on the
autonomy of midwifery this country has seen and THIS THEN AFFECTS ALL

Midwives please open your eyes and look 'outside of the square you live in' 
and see the bigger picture !!! By insurers denying/refusing to insure
midwives in private practice, is to effectively, slam the door shut on
midwifery as an autonomous profession in this country, relegating midwifery 
to be forever controlled by the medical fraternity. This has ripple effects 
into EVERY other facet of midwifery practice. It will eventually effect 
MIDWIFE in her capacity to work as a midwife 'with woman' as it effectively 
undermines EVERY midwife's status and claim to autonomous practice as the
health care professional that she is, irrespective of where she provides
midwifery care. Further more,  while the majority of midwives may work in
hospitals and have their liability underwritten by state governments, many
midwives also choose to have PI outside of this as well - independent of
their employers interests! So to argue that this is an issue that just
effects 80 midwives and the 1% of women who choose to birth at home in this 
country is just ridiculous and will surely then see the demise of midwifery 
in this country.

This issue needs to be brought to the forefront and dealt with once and for 
all. The ACMI needs to gather ALL its constituents together with their
greatest allies - women - and demand to be heard in the halls of 
news and media until the powers that be listen and  cotton on to the great
conspiracy that is denying Australian women and their families the right to 
choose for themselves how, where and with whom they birth their children.
Furthermore, midwives need to put their money where their mouths are and 
serious about their professional representation. This is not meant to be a
criticism of the ACMI as it stands, but rather to say that, it can only do 
much with the resources and limited personnel that it has. The College 
funds to invest in a good lawyer who can research these issues from the 
of law and justice, and funds to undertake through risk analysis of 
midwifery care. How can the College continue to argue for what is right and 
just - without the evidence to support it. Insurance companies would find 
difficult to refuse policy applications or charge outrageous premiums, if 
evidence was there in black and white to sink their arguments that 
is "a highly litigious area". The College should be demanding proof of that 
statement by David Brown, general manager of Guild Insurance and if not
provided, then suing for defamation of the midwifery profession.

OK OK I can hear you all now saying "wow Tina's really lost the plot this
time". But how can powerful institutions keep getting away with slandering
midwives and their profession without calls to put up or shut up. Christ, 
AMA president Karen Phelps hits the Federal Health Minister Michael 
with a threat of legal action after he questions her qualifications to
practice medicine and its front page news in every newspaper and TV channel 
in this country, right down to their menu and dessert choices at their even 
more publicly viewed reconciliatory luncheon !!!!

What a crock !!

Part of the way to finding an answer has to be for ALL midwives to rally
together for the sake of their professional wellbeing and for that of the
women they serve and to support each other and DEMAND a better deal. The 
reports that there are some 70000 midwives in Australia with about 20 odd
thousand practising. Well where are you all ??? I can't hear you. I can't 
you. The ACMI would be lucky to have a quarter of you as members. Nothing
will change unless together as a recognisable force we try to change it.

Yours in birth
One pissed off
Tina Pettigrew

Aspiring Midwife
Convenor, Aust. B Mid Student Collective
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