I want to add my support to this call for bridge-building and closer 
co-operation/mutual respect/support between the various professionals 
involved in birthing services.

I have chosen not to engage any further in the current debate with the 
Senator, even though I wish I had a way of saying something that would 
clearly present what I believe to be the truth.  You see, although we have 
the WHO statement about the midwife being the most appropriate primary 
carer, although we have the ICM Definition of a midwife, which is endorsed 
by both the International Federation of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, 
and WHO - yet there is a strong belief in our society that obstetric 
management is better/safer/more appropriate than any other option.  As long 
as a person such as Senator Eggleston believes that, he would be going 
against his personal integrity to support anything else, ESPECIALLY a 
service that her honestly believes is inferior.

As long as this perception is held, Senator Eggleston and millions of other 
professionals and consumers in this country will continue to support a 
system that is based on a very shaky foundation.  AND they will believe 
they are acting in the best interest of the public they are committed to 

It is therefore obvious that education to change the mindset, that midwife 
primary care is no less safe than medical management, is urgently needed. 
 A few years ago I was at a meeting, at which Prof Marc Kierse (of 
Effective Care) was asked a question about who looks after pregnant women 
in Holland. He replied very quickly to the effect that an obstetrician is a 
specialist, and doesn't want to waste his/her time with well women.  That's 
the midwife's job, and the midwife sends women to him if they need to see 
him.  That's collaboration, cooperation, and professional respect in 


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