Jackie, you asked:
< Do the homebirth midwives on the list agree, or do you experience 
fistula?s often
in your clients?>

NO!  Fistulas (recto-vaginal, in which faeces and gas escape into the 
vagina, or vesico-vaginal, in which urine escapes into the vagina) are 
usually the result of severe tears which involve the anus, or obstructed 
labour, or poor surgical repair techniques, or complications with healing. 

In the case of obstruction or severe tears, a woman planning homebirth with 
a known midwife would probably have been advised to transfer to hospital, 
and the midwife would attempt to work with the obstetric specialist team to 
provide appropriate care. I don't want to sound absolute here - these 
bodies of ours sometimes do unexpected things that have surprised everyone. 
In my experience the women in labour have understood their situation, and 
have accepted the need for specialist intervention in much the same way as 
you accept surgery when your appendix is severely inflamed.

I let my clients know that I have limits to my professional ability.  If a 
perineal tear goes close to the anus, I would much rather ask an 
obstetrician to do the repair, with the assistance of good light, Lithotomy 
position, and an operating theatre if needed, than let her possibly develop 
a fistula or incontinence. If the anal muscle is involved I understand that 
a permanent suture is used to prevent a u-shaped muscle developing.

This sort of incident is a time when the woman and midwife will probably 
experience criticism from other professionals and from some family members. 
It's a time when the partnership and trust between the woman and her 
midwife are put to the test.  We can't promise any particular outcome, but 
we can usually give clients evidence so that they can make decisions that 
they are happy with.

We have good statistical data telling us that the number of perineal tears 
and the severity of the tears is consistently less in women who give birth 
at home (or in the car or for that matter) than for women in hospital.  Why 
is that?  Is it possible that a woman who is 'unobserved' (read bright 
lights and strangers looking intently at the business end - M Odent talks a 
lot about this) is more able to let go of her baby, and her muscles and 
skin go into a softer, more pliable state to let the baby make its way out 
of the birth passage?  That's my theory.

Joy Johnston

-----Original Message-----
From:   Jackie Mawson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, December 17, 2001 11:37 AM
To:     Ozmidwifery List
Subject:        Re: sanctimonious pretentiousness

 << File: ATT00015.htm >> >  If they didn't there would be no need for 
Catherine Hamlins Fistula Hospital
> in Addis Abbaba,
> correct me if I am wrong.. female genital mutilation a factor here??

... And delays in treatment/receiving help. I have heard reports that the
women with fistula?s have often laboured for days and days with a baby in
the wrong position, etc, with no medical help available. These ?women? are
often young girls. This is no valid comparison with what women in Australia
should expect to experience during childbirth.

Yes, fistula?s happen in Australia too, (a good friend of mine experienced
one and had to have it repaired later) but women in Australia expect a
better level of care during pregnancy and labour, whether they choose a
hospital or a home birth. Hospitals are there if needed for a transfer,
thank goodness, but homebirth will not cause more fistula?s to occur. Do 
homebirth midwives on the list agree, or do you experience fistula?s often
in your clients?

Birthing Beautifully,
Jackie Mawson.

Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After Caesarean Inc.
Visit our Website at: http://www.birthrites.org
Phone: 61 08 9418 8949

Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare Provider, and all opinions
given in this email are not to be taken as medical, or legal, advice. 
seek such advice from the relevant professional service.

Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly magazine, if
you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above budget, sorry!

Too many Gods;
            so many creeds,
            Too many paths
             that wind and
            When just the art
             of being kind
             Is all the sad
              world needs...

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