A few years ago I had a client who's baby fed sufficiently at night that it did not do much during the day but was putting on weight and the mother was getting criticised!
Need less to say I asked her what she thought and she was ok with this baby and it is unique behaviour she just wanted some one to say it was ok
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Refusing the breast

Dear Sheena
Breast refusal is often multi factorial and difficult to give good advice over the internet without being able to see exactly what is going on.  Have you been to see a Lactation Consultant?
Babies usually do have a pretty good (and logical) reason for their behaviour. We just have difficulty reading it sometimes.
If she is breast feeding well at night but refusing during the day then you need to look at what is different.  This also makes it very hopeful that you should be able to remedy the situation relatively easily once you recognise the cause of the behaviour.
Is it
  • different feeding postion? - sometimes if they have been stressed at the breast by upset mum in pain, being held in uncomfortable position, being forced to the breast e.g. hand behind the head etc. then the babe will struggle against this.  If it is held for comfort in one position - say, up on the shoulder and then shifted to a different position to feed and it associates that position with struggle and stress then it will be thrown into a panic as soon as it is shifted from the "comfort" position to the "struggle" position - side lying with minimal handling of babe is often most comfortable for mum and babe in this situation.. and re-educating the babe (and mum) that the breast is a place of comfort and feeling good.. use the breast feeding hold at other times just to be close and cuddle...
  • mum and baby sleepy and relaxed at the night feeds?..relaxation bath with mum and babe and lots of skin on skin time that is enjoyed by both mum and babe is important
  • larger supply and quicker let down at night?..hungry babes will often get frustrated if milk is not coming quick enough - supply-line may be useful in this case until the supply has increased
If mum or babe have been on antibiotics at any stage then this can wreak havoc on the babies gut and immune system - can cause thrush which can effect the way a babe sucks and cause lots of tummy pains - Natren Lifestart which is a probiotic (bifidobacterium) will normalise these effects from the antibiotics.
I would be fairly confident that the cause of the breast refusal has little to do with the "period" unless there has been retained placental fragments which has been suppressing lactation.  If this is the problem then besides the removal of the fragments the are various solutions for increasing her milk supply.
Poor attachment is often another contributing cause of these types of difficulties (both supply problems and breast refusal issues).  Use of dummy is also often associated with poor attachment .  I would strongly recommend seeking out an LC.
Hope something here is useful to you
Good Luck
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 7:17 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Refusing the breast

Hi List
Ruby Rainbow our 10 week old (3 weeks prem) baby grand-daughter is now refusing the breast most feeds. We have been through colic and reflux. Mum has had mastitis twice and a vaginal infection. Ruby started to refuse the breast the same time that her Mum started her ?period. She has had an ultra sound that is inconclusive, the doctor says that what is showing could just be the uterus involuting, but the Mum says that babe has been refusing the breast since she has been losing blood. Have also resorted to glycerine on the dummy and on the nipple to entice her to feed. She only put on a couple of ounces last week. Babe seems to feed ok during the night, but in the daytime, starts crying and won't feed. Any advice out there. I favour going back to her obstetrician and asking for a second opinion on the ultrasound reading. This Mum is on Aropax 30mg a day.
Appreciate any advice going
Thanks Sheena Johnson

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