Hi Aviva,
Lots of points your friend makes are very valid, especially the one about being gentle, some people who haven't had babies (and even some who have!) have no idea how painful it is to have that poking in your belly. I was a bit disturbed to read though :
If something was wrong then i'd feel it and could go and see a doctor,
the problem with high blood pressure is that you don't necessarily "feel it", you may feel fantastic, and you can't rely on swelling up either, it can happen very late in hypertensive disease. I'll never forget a young girl of about 20 who "felt too good to be really sick" and refused treatment and was brought in a day later after having a massive stroke, with a severely compromised baby. Even though there's lots of overservicing of pregnancy I really don't think frequent checks in late pregnancy qualifies.
My 2c worth
-------Original Message-------
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 14:12:21
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Fw: annoying medical crap
Hi, All,
This is from my Active Birth Training student. She's given me permission to send it to the list; I love her! I think she and her man are the happiest, most loving couple I have EVER seen. I ought to pay them just to look at them!
Love to all,

I had a very annoying experience earlier today.  I'm 36 weeks pregnant now, and from now on the 'routine' doctor visits are weekly.  I think this is a total waste of time, since they just check my blood pressure which is fine, they poke the baby which is annoying and then i leave.  I mean, it's such a waste of resources.  Sure, being in the public health system i don't personally pay for anything, but the system pays, a system whose money can be much better spent on things that are important.  If something was wrong then i'd feel it and could go and see a doctor, but to go and see them so often is just unnecessary when i'm fit and healthy and doing well. 

Anyway, after waiting in the waiting room for over half an hour, i was called in to the doctor's room.  There was also a student doctor in there.  After checking my blood pressure yet again just to tell me it's fine, then they get you to lie on your back so they can poke your belly and feel the baby.  Yes, there is a baby in there, it's fine, it's head is down ready to be born, your poking doesn't help anything.  So the student presses her hands SO hard into my belly right where the baby's head is and the baby kicked the biggest kick i've ever felt, looked like it was going to bust through the skin, and I yelled "OW!" and the doctor goes "Oh, are you tender there?" and i said "Only when i'm being poked that hard!" and I totally felt like decking the student.  Sure, they have to learn somehow but be a bit gentler.  Poor little baby, just chilling out in a nice, warm safe place, only to be poked and prodded by the stupid medical profession!!!  I am really getting so sick of all this crap.  Sure, there are benefits of the medical industry if there's something wrong, but other than that it is such a waste of time having all these unecessary checks.

Anyway, Jonathan and I are busting to get a place of our own, so we'll start looking this week.  It is becoming a little bit strained living under the same roof with people whose outlook on life is completely different to our own.  Sure my parents are great people who mean well, but they are also very conservative and judgemental and such suckers who believe everything that's fed to them in the media, so lately it's been really frustrating having debates about things which we have completely different attitudes towards.  And don't even get me started on vaccinations.  I have been doing a lot of research into that and it is one of the most disturbing and scary issues that people are blindly accepting in mass proportions.  I could go into it, but what it boils down to is that there are many risks involved, most of which go unheard, it is insane to inject a poison into a healthy baby, vaccinations are not even fully effective, are quite likely a cause of asthma, allergies, ADD, all these modern problems, and then they wear off when the child is older which is when there is a real risk of certain diseases being more harmful.  If someone is naturally exposed to a disease, then they will produce antibodies that stay with them for the rest of their life, and also get passed from mother to baby.  Vaccinations wear off, leaving people vulnerable at a much more risky time in their life.  Not only that, but diseases mutate, especially when multiple diseases are mixed in one vaccine.  All i can say is do your research and find out the pros and cons before blindly accepting what the medical profession dictates.  Of course it's in the best interest of the pharmeceutical companies to promote widespread vaccination, more money for them.  And for those people who praise vaccinations for wiping out many diseases that used to infect alot of people, in actual fact the number of people being infected with these diseases dropped dramatically before vaccinations were even introduced, mainly due to improved hygiene and knowledge about how these diseases were passed.  Many vaccinated people still get the diseases they are supposed to be vaccinated against, vaccines contain preservatives and mercury and aluminium and basically i am really disturbed at the ignorance surrounding this issue.  Ok, so i've elaborated more than i meant to, but it is a serious issue.  Don't even attempt to explain any of this to my parents, it just falls on deaf ears.  To them, you're risking the lives of the children if you don't vaccinate, which is exactly what the medical profession dictates.  In actual fact, non-vaccinated children are generally much healthier, have less health problems and develop a very strong natural immune system which will stay with them for their whole lives, not like the vaccinated people who quite often have allergies, asthma, behavioural problems, then vaccinations are not even fully effective half the time, then they wear off to leave the person vulnerable to infection when they are much more at risk of serious complications at an older age.  They routinely vaccinate newborn babies on the first day of life against Hepatitis B.  My god!!!!  This is a disease that's high risk group is drug users and promiscuity, I can see the point of vaccinating babies NOT!  You can keep your needles and poisons to yourselves!!!!!

Ahhh.....sorry, just needed to vent.......everythings actually really good, there are just many things in modern society that are insane, the more i find out the worse it gets.   The most disturbing thing is how readily the mainstream accepts these things without question.  So sad, so scary.  And my parents are a prime example of your typical middle aged good working class citizens who believe everything without question.  We are so outta there.

Thanks for reading, since yet again I've crapped on forever,

ALice and Mescalito xxx

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