In a message dated 30/11/02 9:34:47 PM AUS Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I also have discomfort when people must use a title on a form or in person!

I feel Mrs Hynd was my mother in law 

Why should woman and not the men have a title which indicates their matrimonial status any way??
M/s I will use if I must!!

Sister gives me the spinal creeps except from the elderly who can't help themselves and I can't waste my energy correcting though I ask them to address me as Denise.

Though I got Sister Denise in PNG.

when I was with a family who had previously been in Texas I was "Miss Denise" I felt this was charming out of the mouths of the children?


Hi Denise and all....oh how I find all this really interesting....a midiwfe friend shared her experience once of a local OB who insisted on calling her 'Sister'.....this woman certainly did not enjoy his reference to her as sister...and after repeated requests that the Dr. call her by name and no progress....she replied to him one day...."yes no worries bro"..and what a response this provoked...he quickly got the hint and from that point on only referred to her by her name....:-))

With regards to the lady thing.....this is a term that really gets my hackles up....most of the time its said with the best of intentions and I respect this...but I think as Kathleen is a term that comes with many connotations and expectations that women will be 'good girls'....subordinate....submissive, passive etc....I hear Dr.s refer to their 'ladies' all the time.....'Ladies' congers up for me the 'too posh to push' senario...Birthing women need to lose themselves in labour....dig deep for the 'wild woman within'  and express themselves however it works for them to birth their is expected that ladies don't swear....don't shout, don't make noise, don't shit, don't get their clothes off and walk around naked in front of others...expose their genitals.....if birth was 'lady-like'...and all women were expected to behave like ladies....Oh....I shudder to think what would become of birth then...

yours in birth,
feral TinaXX

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