How sad this is ending. I currently work in a Birthing Centre in a team with rostered shifts. Now whilst it does provide more continuity than the fragmented model approach of antenatal, labour ward and postnatal wards it is still very fragmented. I am sorry if I sound negative but I have been waiting for a caseload model of care to start for years. We have been having meetings about it with many road blocks and detours to get over and around. 3 years ago the BC was asked to change from a Team model to a Group Practice Model. Still waiting. We are now waiting on the Depatment of Human Services to agree to a salaried wage package and we are off. This will enable us to work when the women are birthing and not staff an empty or bursting BC.
We currently work 12 hour shifts which does help with continuity in labour. There are 6 of us full time but as you know with shift work you quite often look after labouring women you haven't meet before. If you are busy you need to get midwives in that the women haven't meet before thus increasing the number of midwives they meet in their pregnancy. Sometimes you can't get midwives to work in the BC etc etc. So I feel very sorry for you if this is what you have to go back to.
You will all hear me when the agreement comes through. I promise!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] End of Caseload at The Angliss

How sad for you and the other midwives at The Angliss, Dawn.
Every end is a new beginning.
Concentrate on developing the new model.  Utilise the National Maternity Action Plan to underpin your goals.  The hope of providing midwifery led care to all the women who pass through your doors is worth persuing.  Remember to utilise the voices of the women who have benefited from midwife/caseload care.  Consumers are our greatest advocates, and their collective voice is powerful.  Keep us informed.  Best wishes, Lois
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:45 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] End of Caseload at The Angliss

With frustration and disapointment I write to tell you our wonderful case load model is to end at the end of september when our current clients have had their babies.It will have been going for 5 years by then and this sad outcome was  not unexpected.The rationalle is to be able to offer somthing like caseload (which no one desputes is the best model)  in a diluted form to all women instead of the elite few!! but nothing in the way of a new model is yet proposed negotiations between hospital, Doctors and Midwives are yet to begin, and a team aproach is whats being put forward, Hence my long winded email, can those of you in teams please let me know the good and bad points you have found so that I can be informed and pass comments on to those who need to know when setting up a new team modelof care.
Thankyou Dawn  

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