The midwives I have been with at home from whom I have learnt most therefore & what I did was to leave it intact till the babies head was out - as it acts as a cushion for the mother and baby.
Also based on Michle Odent's theory about waterbirth's & why the baby does not breathe under the water or in the caul/membranes.
= that due to  Pascal's (?) principle = pressure in a fluid filled container (membranes, tub ) is equal in all directions -therefore the pressure  receptors on the baby's face do not prompt the baby to take a breath until it is out of water/bag of membranes. 
When you break it peel it down over the face first clearing the mouth ready for that first breathe!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Jen Semple
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] BORN IN CAUL

Hehehe, the obvious question from the midwife student for you wise midwives...
What DO you do?!  :o)

Denise Hynd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What a sad/poor reflection of what happens in hospital birth!!

 I had not seen or been involved in such until I started attending Homebirths!

I remember the first time wsatching inititially wondering what was happening & then my first catch of a baby in the Caul being my own "now what is it I do?"
Feeling the head and a hand through the bag!!


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