Hi everyone,
I have recently rejoined the list because I have been asked by Random House to update a book I wrote in 1997 when I was the editor of 'Australia's Parents magazine' and 'Pregnancy magazine'. It's titled 'Having a Baby. The essential Australian guide to pregnancy and birth' and I am hoping that some of you will have read it and will be happy to tell me what they thought it lacked and where they think it may be out of date. It's not a total re-write, but I would like to make it as current as possible. Not being the editor of a national magazine on the subject means that I am not as in touch as I would like to be.
Any comments, criticisms, help - would be much appreciated,
Carol Fallows
Freelance magazine editor & writer
63 Wood Street, Manly  2095 Australia
Ph 02-9976 6177; Fax 02-9976 6188

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