Hi Tracy, sorry if this is late.  I work in a midwifery led unit in England (Hertfordshire) which has been open for just over 1 year now.  It was estimated that during our first year we would have approx 250 births.  We actually had 423, 37% of those were primips.  Our ‘intrapartum’ transfer rate to our local obstetric unit was 14% for a variety of reasons, mostly meconium liquor (24 women in total) and delays in 1st stage (22 women) and 2nd stage (10 women).


During this time we have had 1 x unexpected breech delivery and one shoulder dystocia, both with good outcomes for both mother and baby.


Hope this is of help to you for the meeting today.  Would be interested to know how you get on.


Wendy Taberer










From: owner-[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tracy Smith
Sent: 13 May 2004 09:53
To: Ozmidwifery
Subject: [ozmidwifery] urgent help for Another victorian birthing unit


Can anyone assist with ammunition for a meeting in the morning which is instrumented to look at eliminating Primips and inductions from an incredible public birthing unit on the Mornington Peninsula Victoria.

Obstetricians and upper management are suggesting primips are not low risk  and nor are inductions. They want to prevent them from accessing the unit.

We desperately need to know if anyone has examples / evidence of units operating elsewhere with midwife led care as the only option?. Has anyone evidence to suggest the outcomes for primipara women and their babies in a midwifery led care model??


I know this is way short notice but it was only presented to us about 10mins ago and the meeting is at 8.00 in the morning!


Thanks for your time – passionate but desperate Peninsula midwife

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