Dear Carol, apologies for causing offence, at that stage I wasn't aware his electorate 
contained Warragul, (have only voted in one federal election in Vic and didn't quite 
take in all the boundaries) but we did have a discussion about it and your initiatives 
and fabulous figures. I pointed him also to Wonthaggi as an exception and the fact 
that they have halved their CS rates to be around the 7-10% in one year. I also told 
him the bigger the hospital the more likely there was to have intervention, but not 
necessarily because of the increase in risk.

He was very interested and is planning on fact finding around this issue in his 
district. Your unit will be an example, and I expect he will make a visit. The next 
step is to get him interested in federal incentives to have your initiatives 
duplicated across his region. I also pointed him to WA and publicly funded homebirths 
with midwife entry to hospitals (way outside his electorate and a fantastic example of 
collaborative care, I reckon) and their great figures, NZ and Holland.


Carol Van Lochem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Trish,
> It is fabulous that you have been lobbying our local member, but I feel that it is 
> important that you give him the correct information lest you lose credibility.
> I work at West Gippsland Hospital in Warragul, which is in Christian Zara's 
> electorate and would like to point out the following:
> "rural birthing using midwife and collaborative models of care (he was really stung 
> when I told him the best example of this was NOT in his electorate"
> I am a member of a team of 5 midwives who provide collaborative&nbsp; and case load 
> care to women in this hospital. We recieved State funding for this back in May and 
> are in the early stages, providing collaborative care to women having VBAC, history 
> of difficult births, young mums and Koori women. We are being provided with 
> additional upskilling in the meantime, and will then commence our caseload stream 
> when competent in areas of cannulation, suturing etc. This is the model of care the 
> State Gov. wishes to implement across Vic.
> I have also been the KYM midwife for the past 2 years on the VBAC program, providing 
> 1-2-1 care throught the pregnancy continuum for these women.
> "When I told him that every hospital in his electorate had double the HWO 
> recommended rate for LUSCS and instruments and were off the scale for other 
> interventions, he seemed knocked out."
> West Gippsland Hosital figures for 2002 were as follows:
> NVB&nbsp;&nbsp; 63%
> vacuum extraction&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 10%
> forceps&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 8%
> Emergency C/S&nbsp; 11%
> Elective C/S&nbsp;&nbsp; 7%
> Intact perineum&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 66%
> Perineal tears&nbsp;&nbsp; 29%
> Episiotomy&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.7%
> Episiotomy + tear 0.6%
> VBAC attempts&nbsp;&nbsp; 80%
> VBAC acheived&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 60%
> I think these figures speak for themselves. Some of them are State Benchmarks. Any 
> wonder the poor man "seemed knocked out"
> Yours in midwifery
> Carol Van Lochem
> &nbsp;
Trish David FACM
Senior Lecturer Midwifery and Nursing
Monash University School of Nursing
Gippsland Campus
Northways Road
Churchill 3842
(03) 5122 6839
0418 994033
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