Julie your birth story reminds me of one that Vicki Chan told last year at a conference, I can't remember all the details but it was something like this.....  a woman ('Alice') rings up and says her membranes have ruptured and she's got mec liq....not the average description.....yes, Alice is a doctor....laboured with Vicki caring for her, got to fully dilated and the obstetrician is making noises about doing a ventouse.  Vicki got Alice moving her pelvis and she birthed her baby under her own steam.  Afterwards Alice kept saying over and over "I just feel SO good"   And the best part.....Alice is also an obstetrician! 
Julie Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi again

I have a bit of a sore back today but a warm heart and a smile in my eyes as I think about the birth I was at yesterday.

The couple had been through my classes and afterwards asked me if I would support them and I said yes.

My motivation was because she is a doctor and I wanted her to have a wonderful birth experience and I thought if I can help this woman who might potentially become another helper of women then that would be terrific.  Do I hear you say “Wow potential risk for big disappointment with such high hopes there!”

Yes you are quite right but I am a bit like that – I dream and have high hopes and then pour all my energy into achieving it – and you know what?

Luckily so does she! She had undertaken lots of reading, a HypnoBirthing course with a local practitioner, my active birth course and used the epi-no product for her preparation.


I watched this woman have a huge amount of excitement in early labour – then feel a bit miserable when it was obviously not going to be easily controlled or “quick and easy” – then she surrendered and went completely within herself and over the course of several hours finally became fully dilated – she met a number of personal challenges along the way and worked her way through them all.

Fear, excitement, anxiety. courage, determination, pride, and energy all mixed together. It is one of the most glorious depictions of humanity being with a woman as she travels the path of the birthing experience.

She had a very small lip of cervix for quite a while – and she worked with her body beautifully to move through it – one fascinating aspect of this was when she was in the bath and she really needed to just be totally primal and “let go” she dropped her face and head under the water which bothered her so I supported her head with both hands right across the back of her head wiped all the water and hair from her face and just held her head for her so she was completely free to move in whatever way she wanted.

Then something within me suggested a firm hand support across the top of her head and she worked her head in a circular motion right deep into the palm of my hand and I felt as if her body was communicating what her baby was trying to do – it was a fascinating moment for me and we didn’t say a word about it – didn’t feel the need to – just simply working together well.

Her partner seemed to find it difficult to support her to begin with and I guess too this was one example of a man who didn’t seem to recall much “information from classes” but he cared for her deeply and simply watched everything and learned much better from me role modeling for him at the time – I handed everything to him at every available opportunity.

I have the impression that the woman may well describe a sense of balance of male and female energy at her birth.

The midwife was brilliant – she was absolutely wonderful and so positive and gave great care to the couple and their baby. Such a beautiful and sensitive person – I believe there is a lot of amazing midwives who are dedicated and skilled in the art of midwifery. The midwife commented to me also that she saw women who have included in their preparation extra strategies such as HypnoBirthing and the use of the Epi-no do really well.

The baby was a little delayed in having a cry and the Dad sat staring and I suggested to him to touch his chest and speak to him which he did and within seconds his son responded to him – that’s the bit that brings tears to my eyes – I feel a welling up in my chest and am so moved by such wonderful experiences.


Well it was straight after the birth 6.45pm that I had to leave to come home and do a class at 7pm – I made it home easily and legally within 35 minutes - just very lucky to catch every green light between Randwick and Sylvania.  The group were already all organized (under Geoff’s supervision/my husband of 25 years) and listening to a couple who had been through my classes previously and had come back to tell their story and show off their 2 week old baby – their story was very real of meeting the challenge of natural birth – working as a team and continuing that on at home as a new family – all very inspirational.   They told their story while I went and gave my hands a good wash and brought back with me a well earned cup of t! ea.


Another warm hug to all,



Julie Clarke CBE

Independent Childbirth and Parenting Educator

HypnoBirthing (R) Practitioner

ACE Grad Dip Supervisor

NACE Advanced Educator and Trainer

NACE National Journal Editor

Transition into Parenthood Sessions

9 Withybrook Place

Sylvania NSW 2224

Telephone  9544 6441

Mobile: 0401 2655 30


visit Julie's website: www.transitionintoparenthood.com.au


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