The only one I've ever encountered upon placenta inspection was originally attached to an 8# baby.  The pathologist who checked over the placenta said that if there were renal problems the baby would have been small.  He surmised that the two arteries had simply fused into the appearance of one.  The boy never had any problems and he's about 18 y.o. now.  There was a discussion about this recently on the Midwifery Today Forums.  Gloria Lemay, Vancouver, BC Canada

Andrea Quanchi wrote:
Fropm my experience not usually associated with a poor outcome in fact many are diagnosed only when the midwife inspects the cord post birth. Can be associated with renal anomolies but not always. Like anything it may prove to be different on a subsequent scan but I would be asking what do they want to do with the additional information prior to birth other than scare the parents to death.
A renal ultrasound on the baby post birth is more useful and I would suggest they (being the doctors) will want this done regardless of the outcome of a further u/s

Good luck

Andrea Q
On 10/06/2005, at 7:23 AM, Tanya Fleming wrote:

Hi everyone....wanting to hear peoples experience with diagnosis of a single umbilical artery by U/S at 20 weeks?  What have outcomes been like?  Is there a chance of false diagnosis?  I have a member of family who has been given this info recently.  I am accompanying her to Brisbane for a more high tech scan next week.  Cheers, Tanya.

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