Given that I have been doing physiological 3rd stage for 23 yrs, I feel I
can add my bit to this theme.  It has not been my observation that babies
get more jaundiced if the cord is left unclamped. I rarely have a
pathological jaundice and this is usually ABO and do not often have anything
more than very mild physiological jaundice, mostly no jaundice at all.  My
long term interest in this are has led me to conclude that as well as the
liver immaturity, the re-absorption of the bile in the mec. and the normal
breakdown of excess foetal red blood cells, it may have to do with the ABO
component and antibody formation in O pos mothers with A or B pos babies.
Some are worse than others.  A very interesting thread. Cheers. MM 

"Nearly everyone I know that did not cut the cord, had babies that developed

Jaundice. Nothing serious just yellowing."
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