Thanks, it does sound rather crowded doesn't it?

We had the em LUSCS at 2330 on the weekend (pretty normal time isn't it?) and I had just come on for the night. Hubby and Mum had been there the whole day with her, obstructed labour at fully. Primep. So I went and saw her GP and asked him if he had a problem with Mum coming in as well. So the GP anaes sat them up near Mum's head after her spinal, and babe came out screeching, so he was wrapped and I plonked myself inbetween the anaes machine and GP surgeon and held baby beside her face so he could nuzzle her and hubby/Nanna (now) had cuddles, then we all trotted out to recovery and bub went straight into bed with Mum, BF beautifully... it was quite a pleasant night all round actually. I just sat warming myself at the resusataire doing the paperwork watching this gorgeous family chattering away and just enjoying their new little man.

I suppose being the small hospital, we don't have students, paeds' etc, and also a huge OT room. It's interesting what you say about GA's though. I'm sure our fathers are allowed in once the anaes is settled and she is draped, then they come in and sit with the midwife in the corner and get to hold the baby, go to recovery with baby and meet Mum there. I know personally one grandma who was at our hospital for both of her grandchildren's LUCSCs and in the OT with her camera!! She had a great time!

Anyway, off for the school run


From: Ceri & Katrina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] support people in OT
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 13:00:33 +1000

HI Cheryl
not sure if it is protocol as such, but at Gosford if it is an emergencey Code 1 LSCS, and the women is under a GA, then no support people are allowed in theatre at all. If it is a lesser code or elective, then the partner/husband can be present. I have not heard of more than this number. It gets pretty cramped by the time you have the Ob, registrar or/and resident, anaestheitist, anaesthetic nurse, scout nurse, and scrub nurse plus the midwife and midwife student if there is one. Plus we have the paeds present so there is at least 2 more doctors. If it is twins there is a paed and midwife for each baby.!!!

Katrina  :-)

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On 17/10/2005, at 12:44 PM, Cheryl LHK wrote:

Do any hospitals have set protocols on number of support people going to OT for LUSCS be they elective or emerg?

Just interested.


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