Active management is popular with women. Many women hate the 'not knowing' that goes with physiological birth. They want to know how long labour will be... when baby will be born (how many times are you asked that question?). They are in control in of the rest of their lives. Plan and fit things into time frames etc. The concept of letting go and allowing your body to birth is scary. Being told that 'we can ensure your baby is born wthin x amount of time appeals in modern society. Hopefully, those women choosing this option are being given full and evidence based info (ha ha).


From: Tracy Niall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Resounding failure of "active labour management"
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 13:48:58 -0800 (PST)

Hello from Dublin Ireland

The hospital in Dublin (National Maternity Hospital)
where AML originated now has a section rate of about
17% which is actually fairly low for Ireland - most
hospitals are running around 20 - 25%.  Every day
women are still lining up to have their membranes
ruptured and their pitocin drips set up....because
that's how this hospital 'does' birth...


--- Helen and Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> My cogs have been turning about why "active
> management" of labour came about.  I presume it was
> to do with the idea that prolonged labour can lead
> to cerebral palsy...preventative measure???!!!
> Well shouldn't that be rethought now in light of the
> new research that dispels the idea?  I am just fed
> up with all the fail to progress emergency
> caesarians contributing largely to our increasing
> caesarian rate and feel it is time "they" realised
> that "active management of labour" is a resounding
> failure all round!!!!
> Despondent Helen

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