Dear Friends,  Justice for birthing women is a focus for our beautiful profession.  We are all working hard to ensure this in every way we can.  Our sense of justice and a fair go is what underpins Australian society.  This basic framework is threatened on many levels. Even though there is some movement with the way birth is constructed and supported, there are other areas in which our sense of self as a society is being warped.  One considerable distortion is the way in which David Hicks is being treated.  Can you please have a look at the GetUp website and if you feel moved, please sign the petition to bring him home for a proper trial.
warmly, Carolyn Hastie
----- Original Message -----
From: GetUp!
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 6:16 AM
Subject: Thank you for taking action to defend Australian rights

Thank you for speaking up! With our Government facing unprecedented pressure to find a real solution now, please spread the word to others: it's time for David Hicks to finally come home and let justice run its course:

Thanks again for being part of this,

The GetUp Team

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