Hi Kelly,

Great idea! It would be good too if you could put a note next to each name with 
their 'management' ideas eg. some Ob's will say they support vaginal breech 
births, but infact they inforce a breech extraction with epidural etc. And 
others who insist on a woman lying down and are very hands on, both of which 
can be extremely dangerous for mum and bubs. I think it would be great to 
really know who is naturally minded when it comes to supporting mamas in 
birthing their breech bubbas.

Love Abby

> Kelly Zantey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am compiling a list of Obs/carers who will support a woman for vaginal
> breech birth as I am seeing more breech women pop up and think they have 
> no
> choice, booked in for caesars at 37-38wks. So if I can at least help 
> them
> find a supportive carer, it makes it a heck of a lot easier to accept 
> other
> info ;)
> So if you can please let me know if you have names of anyone doing 
> vaginal
> breech birth around Australia, I am going to collate them. Thanks!
> Ps. I already have Lionel Steinberg (attended a great breech birth a 
> couple
> of weeks ago with him as carer), Guy Skinner and David Freidin in 
> Melbourne,
> would love stacks more.
> Best Regards,
> Kelly Zantey 
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