Dear Kristin,

you said:

This woman is having a tough time postnatally trying to fill in the gaps 
herself without *offending* staff by asking too many questions.......... 

What is giving this woman the impression she is at risk of 'offending' staff?  
This is very worrying. 

I would encourage her to make an appointment to see the doctor(s) and 
midwife(ves) who were looking after her and go through the notes step by step. 
She can make the appointment through the manager of the 'delivery suite/labour 
ward' or the service manager or the head staff specialist.  She has every right 
to get her questions answered in a way that make sense to her. She probably 
needs someone with her to support her and who can help her with asking the 
questions she wants answers to. 

As Andrea said, it is very difficult to make sense of what happens to women in 
labour unless you were there, and even then it can be hard to understand 

warmly, Carolyn 

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