Iain - very true. MS has answered a lot of customer requirements in the new
version (sadly, some of them only available in the server version and not in
The argument here is that 2010 is more mature than 2007 (which I consider to
be the firsts mature version of sharepoint *ever* since you can actually do
stuff with it). As I said - do not start clients on 2007 anymore. any client
considering the two should go with 2010. existing users of 2007 are a
different matter (my current customer cannot upgrade for a while, so new
projects are going ahead and targeting 2007 sadly)

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Iain Carlin <cut...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> I'm very new to SharePoint myself, only been administering our MOSS 2007
> site here for about 12 weeks.
> The big thing that I have noticed is that every time I want to do even the
> simplest things (well that I think aught to be simple) the answer is pretty
> much that 2007 doesn't do it but 2010 has that feature out of the box :-)
> So I'm pushing for us to upgrade to 2010 asap. (I know that doesn't answer
> your question directly.)
> Cheers,
> Iain Carlin
>   On 19 July 2010 10:29, Jeff Headley <jeff_head...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>> I have a cautious client about to put in MOSS where they're leaning toward
>> 2007 but open to 2010 if I can make a case. One requirement has priority,
>> and I'm wondering if anyone knows any difference between MOSS 2007 & 2010 in
>> this area?
>> They use Exchange 2007 and Outlook 2007 for each of 30 people who enter
>> their own appointments of who's coming to see them. The receptionist wants
>> to see a report in a SharePoint web part that rolls up all 30 calendars and
>> lists them in half hour time slots, so she can see everyone due at 9:30am
>> then everyone coming at 10:00am and so on.
>> Is anyone aware of any feature or approach to this that would argue for
>> 2010 over 2007 so I could recommend the client go with the newer rather than
>> older version?
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